Saturday 25 August 2012

Isaiah 60 says that great darkness is over the people. Today I invited some people to come to the light! It's harvest time and all believers are the labourers.

Let's all go out and bring in that harvest. It people look at you like you are weird, don't worry, because the Bible says we are already a peculiar people. Don't. Be shy or timid, because God's Word says that He has given us a spirit of love, power and self-control! Do not fear what the world may say, because the Gospel is more powerful and mighty than anything we see today, because the Gospel will stand for eternity! So can you! So can your family and friends, but you may be that voice that they are waiting for to come to the Kingdom!

Be bold today, invite someone to salvation in the name of Jesus!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

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