Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Tablets in school do not replace the teacher student problems…

I have watched a few schools roll out tablets and books electronically to students and all I have found is failure at every turn. The amount of successes are minor in comparison to the challenges being created. Kids still need to engage in their studies and not just a tablet with a bunch of games or wifi connections to chat to friends. There is a process and impartation that takes place when a teacher engages with a student to impart knowledge, the challenge is how to do this in the modern age. Not how to parrot teach kids, but how to engage with them and tech them to engage in their own studies.

The other anomaly that most people are forgetting about and the one with the most sore points is the parents. Most parents refuse to point a finger at themselves, but the truth is that the effect of a parent involved in their children’s education will be more powerful than any technology you can put in a child’s hand.

But the questions to be asked here is, who is teaching the parents how to manage all these advances? Who is teaching a child how to avoid the pitfalls of loosing an education because they are stuck with their head in some game? Who is going to teach parents how to manage all these new pitfalls and possible challenges?

Personally I believe that every family needs to know about technology and what the advantages and disadvantages are to them in their own day. What may be working for one may not suite another. IT’s great to put a tablet in your child’s hands but you also put a world of porn in their hands which is being forced onto them whether they like it or not.

via WordPress

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