Thursday, 23 October 2014

Anyone who says @Microsoft is stale or not innovative is short sighted….

Many people are not aware of the @Microsoft Garage department which spend a lot of time and energy inventing and innovating ideas and projects that are for both in house and external applications. Every one in while some of those apps become available to us the public. IT just so happens that they are not just stuck to @Microsoft products in fact they use anything they can get their hands on. Check out the recently released Tourque @Android application.

Look out for the “Mouse Without Borders” app which I found by accident a few years ago. This app was being used in house and was designed by the Garage team and they liked it so much that they released it to the public. It allows you to use your mouse or keyboard on any connected PC as if it was on that actual PC. So you could have three different PC’s in front of you, but with this app you only need one mouse and keyboard and it will work seamlessly across all those machines. You can even drag and drop files between them.

Very cool @Microsoft Garage, you guys rock!

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