Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bill Cosby on more men being fathers in their homes. We need this message here in South Africa.

I believe that here in South Africa we are facing an even bigger issue around this. here are so many fatherless households in our country because there are men running around who do not have the gusts to actually stick around and be a father. They often times use the excuse of having to be at work, but the truth is they would rather just run away from their responsibility. Because we are raising a nation of child headed house holds, there are no father figure models in these homes and younger men are growing up without an idea of what it is to be a real father in them. This is why we have problems with our youth growing up in rebellion and drugs or in gangs. they are looking for fathers and when the do not find this at home they will accept the next closest thing, enter the gang or drugs environment. A strong nation is found in the strength of its families. http://now.msn.com/bill-cosby-talks-about-the-importance-of-black-men-raising-their-children?ocid=ansnow11

via WordPress http://emilswanepoel.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/bill-cosby-on-more-men-being-fathers-in-their-homes-we-need-this-message-here-in-south-africa-2/

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