Here are the details to be able to contact the local municipality for various areas of help.
Contact Us
Email queries should be addressed to
We will need the following information in order to help you:
Your Full Name
Your Address
Your Contact Number
Contact Numbers
Operating Hours
031 311 1111
7.30am – 5pm, Mon – Fri
Advertising and Signage
031 311 7055
Aids Helpline
0800 012 322
Air Pollution
031 311 3555
8am – 4pm, Mon – Fri
Emergency Services
031 3610000
Ambulance (public)
Ambulance (private)
082 911
Animal Nuisance and Abandoned Vehicles
031 311 2814
Beaches and Recreation Facilities
031 335 3700
7.30am – 6pm
Development Planning division Rezoning Special consent
031 311 7883
7am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri Sub
Development Management: Building inspectorate Plans submissions Enforcement
031 311 7881
Durban Solid Waste Illegal dumping
031 311 8804
7:30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri
Refuse Removal
Inner West
031 311 8824
031 3223023
7.30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri.
Removal of dead animals
031 311 8809
Engineering Services Centre Road repairs Storm water Blockages/repairs
Replacement of Manhole covers, Repairs of guardrails and, Roadside fencing, Sidewalk and kerb repairs, Sewer repairs/blockages, Road marking and Street signs Water reconnections/ Accounts
080 131 3013
24hrs, 7 days a week
Robot Faults Faulty traffic signals, Hooding, coastal Infrastructure,
0800 333 467
Water faults/Water pollution/Water account queries
SMS: 083 707 3013
Fax: 031 311 8220
Mxit: 083 707 3013
Revenue Call Centre
Rates Electricity Water Accounts
031 311 11 11
7.30am to 4.30pm, Mon to Fri. and 7.30 – 11.30 on Sat
031 311 7875
Emergency Fire Disaster Management services
031 361 0000
24Hrs, 7 Days a week
Metro Police
Central: 031 311 2812
Chatsworth: 31 402 0680
lnner West: 031 709 0808
North: 032 5331027/8/9
Outer West: 031 767 1222
South: 031 910 7321
Electricity Faults and breakdowns
Street lights
Centre 080 131 3111
Fax: 031 328 1050
031 311 9611
24Hrs, 7 days a week
Air pollution/Environmental noise/Illegal dumping/Food safety/Communicable diseases /Hazardous chemical Substances/Vector Control (mosquitoes/flies, rats, etc)
A/H contact Emergency Services
031 311 3555
7am – 4.30pm Mon to Fri
Illegal dumping
031 311 8804
7:30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri
Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Verge and grass maintenance /Fallen and trimming of trees Booking of halls / Maintenance of swimming pools
031 322 4000
North: 031 566 3712
Central: 031 205 1418
Inner West: 031 403 1353
Outer West: 031 767 3908 South: 031 311 5573
Mon to Fri 7.30am – 4pm,
Ombudsperson and Head Investigations (Hotline) Reporting fraud, corruption and maladministration in the Municipality
0800 20 20 20
Fax 086 5222 816
Sizakala Customer Care Centres
One Stop Shops access/ Payments for council services
080 033 1011
Central: 031 311 1111
South: 031 311 5844
Umkomaas: 031 311 5407
Outer West: 031 311 2717
Inner West: 031 311 6286
7.30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri, 8am to 11am Sat
[04/19, 15:58] CLASSIC: Can everyone email
[04/19, 15:58] CLASSIC: Heading vagrants and children on streets

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