Thursday, 31 March 2016

Tim Allen is know for laughs but there is more….

Often times we judge a book by its cover or look at things with such critical or judgmental eyes. Behind the scenes you often find a person with a story of salvation that you did not expect. Tim Allen fits in that group and here is his amazing journey.

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Saturday, 26 March 2016

A Night with the King.

Sound check while waiting for a Night with the King to start. I am so excited, each year this becomes more and more epic. Come Lord Jesus, we invite you in.

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Friday, 25 March 2016

Dutch Bros Coffee employees reach out to someone…from Barbara Danner

This post on Facebook came from Barbara Danner about some young employees working at the Dutch Bros Coffee and I think this is absolutely awesome. I want to send out a HUGE BIG praise the Lord for your obedience and courage to pray guys, don’t stop, people need hope and prayer in their lives now more than ever and your prayer and courage to pray will be a blessing. Praise Jesus.

Thanks Barbara Danner for posting this it has inspired me too.

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A cat that likes water????

So I think we have the only cat in the world that likes water! He is bathing himself in our hand basin. LOL

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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Why @Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile is not on all phones….

Man I was frustrated when I found out my Lumia 920 was not going to get the Windows 10 update. I was going to go onto the dev version and just use that after all it is almost identical and Microsoft seem to be not playing nice. However, after reading this article I was reminded that Microsoft don’t just do something or make some free stuff that goes viral and then becomes an update and maintenance nightmare with some green alien. LOL. They actually thought this through and this article shows that Microsoft actually do care for their customers by making sure they have a seamless experience. Now granted they said we would all be upgrading, but lets just face it those old phones are now ready for upgrade and a new phone sounds really awesome right now, so nice one @Microsoft.

I upgraded my wife’s 730 and it upgraded smoothly and is running like a dream. Yes, feeling a little envious, but I will be getting a new phone in the next few days anyway. YAY

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77,000 Cyber Incidents In 2015 Highlights The Need For Better Network Security

So we are now in 2016 and we are only checking on the cyber crime now, but this excersize highlights some major issues that people need to be aware of what hackers and criminals are doing and that they are becoming more active. In south Africa 85% of all hacks come from the keyboard of an employee in that company. The other scary fact is that even in South Africa we have hackers who hold servers and data to ransom so that they can make money.

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Is journalism dead? …

This article is all about how people adapt to change. Just because people don’t read print anymore doesn’t mean that journalists are not valuable, on the contrary. We are currently in an age where there are more published comments or article s in the worlds entire history. But is all that info any good?

Enter the modern day journalist. Today journalists actually have a greater freedom on the internet than ever before and that translates to more freedom. Journalists now are celebrities as people can begin to interact with their writings directly where before it was simply a print that was responded to in a letter which arrived a week or two later. Journalists now can create their own audiences and get paid doing it in so many ways.

The truth is this article shows that journalism is actually going through a metamorphosis. Those that go through it and embrace it will come out like a butterfly that everyone marvels at.

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Vodacom smashes 170Mbit/s on mobile

The whole country is so focused on fibre to the home that everyone seems to forget that 3+ is now migrating to 4+ and so on. Not sure of that? Well Vodacom smashed that idea simply by adding more broadband onto the plate.

Awesome advance in technology @Vodacom. Well done.

PS: @Vodacom, how about giving back to the communities and your customers by reducing some of your prices a few percent?

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Monday, 21 March 2016

#Logos_Hope is the worlds largest floating library….

This first ever visit to Durban and we can watch and see the #Hope_Logos in Durban with some really good friends. What a wonderful time reading books, meeting the captain and chatting with some awesome crew members and listening to some great praises to Jesus. Get there early and DO NOT MISS this opportunity.

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#Logos_Hope is the worlds largest floating library….

This first ever visit to Durban and we can watch and see the #Hope_Logos in Durban with some really good friends. What a wonderful time reading books, meeting the captain and chatting with some awesome crew members and listening to some great praises to Jesus. Get there early and DO NOT MISS this opportunity.

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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Swimming teaches much more than just swimming…

This is another awesome article of the strengths and benefits of swimming. I love how this lady ahs incorporated the business world in a particle way to the skills you learn when swimming.

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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Photo essay: Inside SA’s R5bn solar farm | TechCentral

It’s the largest in the Southern Hemisphere and produce 175 MW of power, enough for 75000 homes.

Amongst all the crazy government issues and jostling for power there are still people and projects in South Africa that are right and good. This particular project was under budget nd under the time of completion when it was built and is a shining example of efficiency and effectiveness.

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Friday, 18 March 2016

@A_C_D_P are shocked at Finance minister announcement….vote ACDP

This whole thing has been ridiculous. Our country deserves better which is why I am voting ACDP. Everyone thinks I am mad and should vote DA, but the DA is just more of the same. Looking closely at the numbers, the DA is not much better than the ANC and they have (just like the ANC) anti Christian policies. Some of their policies are anti family. When it comes to running the country, the ACDP is co-governing the best run municipality with the DA as done by an independent study. The ACDP is the only party to consistently have a clean audit. That alone should speak volumes to what can be REAL change. Steve Swart makes an statement about the whole Finance Gutpa debacle.

I urge you to vote ACDP for change in our country.

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7 things swimming will teach you about life…. @swimswamnews

This article from @swimswamnews is actually God’s way of confirming the things that we have gone through at the Cross Over swimming team doing the Midmar Mile over the past couple of years. In each year we had at least one person that could not even swim one length and it has been only through the team and prayer that this team has lifted their live3s to new levels. Check out this article it is amazing how much of this we as a team have already gone through.

Cross Over team Midmar 2016

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Worlds largest floating library in Durban – I love Durban

The worlds largest floating library, the Logos Hope has arrived in Durban this morning and I highly recommend a visit for the whole family.

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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Lets celebrate the good in South Africa #SAMustRise – submit your stories here…

I believe its time we start celebrating people who go out their way to help their fellow South African or neighbor.
Its time we stop dragging our country into the trash. WE never seem to find people speaking about the good in our country and as a result when I ask people they seldom are able to even give me one good point.
If you have experienced a person in municipal, work, retail, neighborhood, community or just in life going above and beyond or offering great service or help to other people, I am asking you to send it to me so I can post it here. Lets celebrate the good in South Africa #SAMustRise

Submit your stories on my blog and I will post it across all my social media. The we can all start reposting, liking, sharing, retweeting, friending and circling it among our friends and start building a more positive country. Remember to include the #SAMustRise in the message title.

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