The guys throwing Ruan his bachelor party. He has to complete several tasks and then he gets various bits to add to his knights outfit. LOL
via WordPress
I think that there are so many stories around 9-11 and many good but this one has got to be one of the greatest displays of a Biblical principal playing out without people even knowing. Matthew 22 says that neighbors should log each other as themselves, well that is what this is.
Read this one to the end it will make hope rise in your heart and make you realize that people have so much good in them.
How often have we all been here? A place were it all looks like there is nothing and we think in terms of what we can see and do based on what we have. The same things happened in the scripture below and the disciples came to Jesus and said that the people were in a desert place and they needed food. But Jesus said to them that the disciples should give them something to eat. What was their thinking? What is your thinking? We have been so programmed to look at our wallet and what we can get around us that we never look up to ask the Lord Almighty who created all things what or how he can provide for us. It’s time to renew our minds and see that Jesus was not subject to the worlds economic system, He had faith which was a heaven currency that brought down to earth more than enough in a desert place.
Now look back at your situation and look up to heaven and give God Almighty thanks and ask Him to bless the situation or place and watch the multiplication of His glory manifest in your day.
“35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: 36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. 37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? ” Mark 6:35-37
Awesome! Africa is the place to be. It’s crazy to think how many South Africans are complaining about all the crazy political and crime stuff when we have things like this happening in our continent. Sure the other stuff is important, but when all you can hear is Julias Malema or Jacob Zuma or whoever else then you will miss the stories like this where we have the fastest growing internet in the world.
There is more good going on in our world that we realize, but we have to look for it.
@tesla is the next big thing. It sounds odd, but they have grown and developed from nothing to one of the most sought after companies and the consumers love the products they are producing.
I love this car and want to know when it gets to SA.
Yours Sincerely,
Emil Swanepoel
One Godly man making a difference in the world.
@VW have really grown in our country and it is awesome to seethe development they are making to add more value to the global arena from right here in SA.
I still remember my 1963 beetle and the fun we had in her. We called her Nunu. We always used to wave and flash our lights at the other Beetles on the road and they would do the same. It is the most fun carr to drive still.
Everyone is up in arms about the freedom of the press, but the truth (I believe) is that the press are already riddled with smoke and mirrors. If you try and find certain news in the press that is good and not sensationalist enough you will not find it in the press because the press only has a certain number of pages and wants to sell its papers and will thus find the juiciest story that will feed your most sensational thoughts. If however you want to find out about any good news that may involve less sensational news it will have to be on your own journalistic agendas.
The SABC news and ETV news for example will allocate 10 minutes per news report on political news. Of that time 5 will be made up of the ruling party and the rest will be made up of pieces of everyone else, so you can,imagine how much gets left un said, not to mention the huge amount of good work being done in our country that we never get to hear about.
So when I hear the press talking about recession and then see articles like this one from @VW, naturally I question if we are actual getting freedom of the press or the oppression of sensationalism just to sell news!
This is a crazy article but its true. We need more truth in this world. Fridays losses this last week caused the top 400 richest people in the world to loss $182 billion. Yup, that’s right, billion.
Not even the rich are protected from this worlds decay. They even don’t have the truth in their lives. So where will you find the truth? Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
3D printing may be a fad for the moment, but that is only because the advances are taking time to be established based on the needs. It’s not everyone that can just throw together a mini kiln that burns at 1900 Fahrenheit to test something like this, plus the speeds of many 3D printers are questionable.
All that said a done, this is super cool or rather hot! The first challenge was to print in 3D, then to print both solid and liquid states in the same print, then to print in large scale now its printing with industrial strength heat.
We need more truth in our lives because there are so many hidden agendas today that people no longer know who they are. Not to mention that you can find anyone to agree and disagree on any topic.
So where do you find truth?
Jesus is the way the truth and the life!
Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. “because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ” Romans 10:9
This is an interesting view of each president both post and pre apartheid. Notice that every single one of them has depreciated the rand / $ exchange rate.
So we all see this and think that its time for change and what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you are thinking in a political realm, then your mind immediately goes to the DA, but my question to you is why? The biggest most South African’s make is they choose their political party based on news paper and TV sensationalism. Very few educated and uneducated people in our country know what they are actually voting for.
The DA for example, their policies are almost identical to that of the ANC. There has been a large amount of corruption in the DA folds and Adultery and support for Same sex marriage and many other things that are completely against, Muslim, Hindu and Christian beliefs and lifestyles.
So why not just stick with the current ruling party? Sure, there have been many advances and changes which have been good, but the magnitude of corruption and lack of dealing with issues and crime is not producing environments that foster more jobs or bring in more investment.
So who should we vote for? That is something I cannot tell you, but I can tell you that it is time to get each party and look at their policies and their plans and stop voting for more of the same and start voting for a true change. Don’t believe the lie that we should all vote for one opposition party, that is being programmed into your mind. Take a stand and vote for what you believe is right. Don’t let the bullies change who you really are and how you vote.
Personally there is only one party I can vote for at the moment and that is the ACDP.