Thursday, 25 June 2015

@Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse has just made mass data a possibility for any company around the globe….

@amazon have been doing it for a while, but its final come to the big guys @Microsoft. Cloud SQL data warehousing. You would think it would have arrived sooner being that its SQL and that @Microsoft have almost cornered the data market, but with big data and the whole Google no SQL open source they got left behind and are playing catch up. However this model and platform they are adopting will catch them up really quickly because all their business models right now have been training customers and vendors for this new world of cloud based services.

The big question still remains and that is cost. It’s is clear that the average Office 365 user spends more money on that monthly subscription long term than if they had to buy the software like before. I believe the stats are 80% of Office 365 customers are paying more than before.

It begs the question how much more will you now be paying as a business if Microsoft are taking away your data center hardware, and knowing that they are doing it.

SAAS is a great model but it is holding us all to ransom for a fee which will cost more and ultimately we will find costs of products increasing over time to accommodate.

But it definitely does bring the big stuff into the hands of users and businesses that could nit previously afford the big data center costs.

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Sunday, 21 June 2015

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day. What a wonderful way to close off a weekend. Late winter afternoon just chilling with the inlaws and having dinner together outdoors. @iluvdbn

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Friday, 19 June 2015

Drone Swarm joins the army, these things are…

The army as just adopted a project that allows them to launch several drones from a normal cannon and then once these drones are in the air their wings spring out and they can operate autonomously without humans and they share information with each other. This is awesome and scary stuff at the same time. Imagine a first world country suddenly deploying thousands of these with weapons on them to “kull” the human race and only leave the elite? Autonomous flying robots sounds a bit too much like big brother control than freedom of choice.

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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Happy Birthday Attie Swanepoel, we love you oupa….

What a wonderful breakfast with the Swannies. Good food, good people, good times. I love these awesome winter mornings.

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How big is 100 fold really?

If you have ever read the Bible, I am sure at some point we have all asked this same question, well the answer is more than you would expect! Below is an example of the exponential growth of God.

“The average paper thickness in 1/10th of a millimeter (0.0039 inches.) If you perfectly fold the paper in half, you will double its thickness. Things get interesting quickly.

Folding the paper in half a third time will get you about the thickness of a nail.

Seven folds will be about the thickness of a notebook of 128 pages.

10 folds and the paper will be about the width of a hand.

23 folds will get you to one kilometer—3,280 feet.

30 folds will get you to space. Your paper will be now 100 kilometers high.

Keep folding it. 42 folds will get you to the Moon. With 51 you will burn in the Sun.

Now fast forward to 81 folds and your paper will be 127,786 light-years, almost as thick as the Andromeda Galaxy, estimated at 141,000 light-years across.

If you fold a paper in half 103 times it’ll get as thick as the Universe

90 folds will make your paper 130.8 million light-years across, bigger than the Virgo Supercluster, estimated at 110 million light-years. The Virgo Supercluster contains the Local Galactic Group—with Andromeda and our own Milky Way—and about 100 other galaxy groups.

If you fold a paper in half 103 times it’ll get as thick as the Universe

And finally, at 103 folds, you will get outside of the observable Universe, which is estimated at 93 billion light-years in diameters.”

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Why don’t we read our Bibles?

You can paint it any which way that you want but we are our own worst enemies when it comes to stuff that is good and right for us. Why? Because temptation and sin are very exciting and are good for a season, but that stuff never lasts and the reward is not good, but how else is the devil going to remove us from the path to heaven? It’s not about giving up stuff or now I’m a Christian so now I can’t do stuff, instead it should be that you are a Christian now a whole new world of great stuff that you did not know before is available to you! That is awesome. Imagine laying hands on someone who is sick and they are healed right there and then? Imagine discipline someone who has been down and out and they begin to get a job and are able to walk on their own again? Imagine telling someone who does not know about the love of Jesus and they are saved? Imagine never getting sick? Imagine….

God said to Moses when he asked who should I say that has sent me, “I am”. For the longest time I could not understand that, but I kept on asking until one day God showed me that in anything in my life or my family or my friends or my community or my countries lives that I need He is it, He is the I am in that thing or situation. Before I was saved, all that stuff was never taught or made available to me, it was hidden under a bunch of personal me myself and I!

Jesus is so much more than anything we can ever be or need and He is cooler and more relevant now than ever before and a relationship with Him begins when we open our Bible and read from it every moment of the day in every part of our day.

Here is an article that shows some more interesting reasons. But in all this remember that Jesus loves you more than Facebook does. Jesus loves you more than Oprah does. Jesus love you more.

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Monday, 15 June 2015

Is there a positive side to @Eskom power problems?

Incredibly the answer is “Yes”. South Africa has actually been awarded an award for clean renewable energy projects run by our government! Yes, you read right! This article highlights the huge initiatives that are adding MW of power back to the power grid and winning global awards for it. Why don’t we know about this, well maybe we need to point a finger back at ourselves and saying why have we been complaining so much instead of making a change in our country.

This article is awesome and I love the enthusiasm shown by these people.

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Sunday, 14 June 2015

@jesse_Duplantis #DidYouPickItUpToday I love this

Need answers to your everyday problems? Then read you Bible everyday #DidYouPickItUpToday

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Friday, 12 June 2015

Hula championship in toy shop…

Joy and friends having a hula championship in the toy shop is really fun.

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Happy 9th Birthday Joy

Joy had a wonderful time with her friends bowling.

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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The Pattern Of Failure – Why 246 Pastors Fell Within A Two Year Period

So the world thinks that the pastor has got it great but the truth is just not that simple. The truth is there is no more extreme job than that of being a pastor. Here is a warning bell to all Christian men that the road is narrow and few find it but those who are called and step in obedience to this calling will have a reward now in this life and in the life to come which far surpasses anything that anyone can think or imagine, but be warned that Satan is plotting with your name first on the list to kill you and destroy you. Maybe not in day one or two or one hundred, but instead he will sift you till the straw becomes so think you can hardly see it and then when it break you don’t even hear it break because the devil has sifted you down to ineffective.

These few points here are such sad but also such truth things that all men can do. Things that will give them a joy in their lives, purpose, direction, life, love and above all love beyond just ourselves. But walking in that road requires real grit and strength through faith.

This article has been a huge encouragement to me and I pray that it sets your heart on fire for more than just a couple of years but for eternity!

The love of Jesus will restore and uplift you beyond what anyone has ever seen just believe.

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