Thursday, 28 November 2013

@microsoft make a letter template available for men who want to convince their girls firnds to get the new @XBOX one. LOL

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@google project link is a great idea. When will it hit South Africa?

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Saturday, 23 November 2013

@southafrica #thisissouthafrica What an awesome and wonderful thing. Proudly South African!

This makes me even more proud to be as South African. We have a beautiful country and wonderful people. God bless South Africa in Jesus name.

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Riches. Look at God’s glorious riches, there is a perpetual never ending supple of resources for every need and occasion in our lives.

Ephesians 3:16 Riches is described as having great wealth or resources. If we look at God’s glorious riches, there is a perpetual never ending supple of resources for every need and occasion in our lives.

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@copelandnetwork Obey Him in the Little Things

Its not always the big things that change the world or our world, its the little things. Every little choice we choose to make adds up to a big snowball of who we are today, but that same truth starts right now from the moment you read this. Every little choice you make from right now is preparing for you a new future based on that choice and those that follow it. That is such an exciting and bright future. Check out the message below if you do not believe me.

Obey Him in the Little Things

Gloria Copeland

He who is faithful in a very little [thing], is faithful also in much.

- Luke 16:10

Have you ever wanted to take on some really big project in the kingdom of God, but the Lord just wouldn’t seem to let you? If so, there’s probably a good reason why.

You can see what I’m talking about if you’ll read about what God did with the children of Israel after He brought them out of Egypt. He wanted to take them on into the Promised Land. But before He could do it, God had to know if they would obey Him. He had to know if they would listen to His voice. Because if they didn’t, the enemies they were about to face would wipe them out.

So, do you know what He did? He tested them in a small matter.

Exodus 16:4 tells us about this simple test. “Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not.”

God took a little, insignificant matter, the food they ate–and used it to see if they would listen to Him or not. He told them how much of it to gather, when to gather and when not to, and what to do with it after they brought it in.

And the Israelites went right out and violated those instructions. They showed God by their actions that His voice was not important to them. They were not willing to obey even His simplest commands.

God works the same way today. Before He sends you on a major mission, He gives you the opportunity to prove you can be trusted with small instructions.

But many of us miss that opportunity. We pray, “What do You want me to do, Lord? Where do You want me to go? I’ll do anything You say.” But then when the Lord says, “I want you to get up and pray in the Spirit one hour every morning,” we fail to obey Him. We say, “Oh yeah, that would be good. I ought to do that.” But somehow we never quite get around to it.

Don’t make that mistake. Start today obeying God in the little things. Let Him see that He can trust you out there in a place of much authority. Let Him know you’ll be faithful to His Words and to the voice of His Spirit. Once He knows you won’t let disobedience wipe you out, He’ll start sending bigger assignments your way.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 16:1-28

© 1992 Eagle Mountain International Church aka Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

@apple given the go ahead for their space ship?

Okay, it’s not quite a space ship, but it certainly looked like one from the plans. Their new campus in California gets the lift off!

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@google are making a bid for your wallet and your money….

Google get into banking with a debit card. How long until they are the global bank that we hear of so much in Revelation.

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@google top chief is calling an end to censorship. Good or bad idea?

Eric Schmidt is saying that there should be a global end to censorship by 2023. Sure, maybe, but who decides those internet searches and pages? Adwords already forces stuff down your throat as paid for my various companies or marketing binges. Many others are doing the same. Not to mention that even the famous Facebook are pushing more and more down your throat. The new XBox systems are now so self aware that they can actually “watch” your habits. A man in England today noticed that his @samsung smart TV was sending his watching habits to a website through a wifi link. the truth is that we may not have censorship, but we will be programmed based on whoever is shoving the most into marketing, and all those search engines are tailoring our searches to our history. We are no longer censorship, we are programmed.

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What would @Microsoft replace Office with? I thought that this was a very worthwhile perspective…

It’s one of those things we seldom think about because we use Office every day, but the truth is that we collaborate far more and more and more apps now days are built to allow us to continue in relationships and business deals than working on tedious spread sheets. This is a great thought.

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Maybe I love an under dog, or maybe I am one of those few who can see something others can’t? Go @joebelfiore!

I am very excited about the commitment the team are showing towards Windows Phone. I love the style and the way it all works together. It works so well with the desktops and office applications while in other applications you get issues. Keep up the good work. James 1 says that if we persevere, we will become mature and complete lacking nothing.

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@nokia @lumia 2520 reviewed. lightning fast candy?

This is definitely a much better version of a Windows Tablet. Id like one!

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@instagram hits @windowsphone finally!

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When girls fart? A lesson to men and boys…

Gentlemen, take note that this is how it should be when your spouse or any woman or girl flatulate. No matter what the sounds, flavour or odour may be. It will keep peace and maintain harmony in your life and home!

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Has Education failed us?

The truth in this statement and picture shows us as simply as possible how the education system has failed us. One system does not fit all and teachers are not taught to fit all. With classrooms of 20 to 45 people, how can one teacher meet the needs of all? It’s time to review how we teach and to offer alternatives that are not so costly that even budget pinching parents cannot afford food just to send their kids to a school that can meet their needs.

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Monday, 18 November 2013

@apple next big thing is 3D sensing?

Yep, it sounds like a movie, but this is the start of the next generation of interface. Using gestures in mid air! Not only is this company able to do this on a laptop now it has developed a device that can fit into a cellphone. think of this for a minute, imagine that phone can become aware of the environment around it an notice who you are and who you are talking to. It can instantly gain access to your past history via the net to know what your interests are.

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Saturday, 16 November 2013

#SFBATKID The story of a kid who wanted to be a hero for a day.

The Make a Wish Foundation made this kids day by making him a super hero for a day. What a great idea.

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@coelandnetwork Message “Pick Up Your Sword”

This is awesome, have you got a dragon to slay?

Pick Up Your Sword

Kenneth Copeland

But thou, O man of God…fight the good fight of faith.

- 1 Timothy 6:11-12

When you’re up against the wall, don’t start begging God to break through it for you. That’s not the way He works. He’ll give you the plan. He’ll give you the power. And He’ll guarantee the victory. But your hand, not His own, is the instrument He’s going to use to get the job done. You’re going to have to stretch forth your hand by speaking and acting on the Word, even when circumstances are against you.

God gave me a striking revelation of that over 20 years ago through a vision He gave me in Beaumont, Texas. I was preparing to minister in a service there, spending some time in prayer, when suddenly I saw myself standing in the pulpit of the church. Looking up, I saw a dragon–a horrible, ugly thing–poke his head through the front door of the church.

As he came into the church, his body expanded like a balloon, filling the whole room. He was snorting fire and smoke. When, in the vision, he turned it on me, he almost burned my clothes!

As I fell back onto the floor, I saw Jesus standing nearby with a sword in His hand. “Why doesn’t He do something about this?” I thought. “Can’t He see I’m hurting?”

But He didn’t move. He just stood by with a frown on His face. I could tell He was really put out with me. The Bible says God was not pleased with those who were overthrown in the wilderness (1 Cor. 10:5). And He wasn’t pleased with me either as I lay there on my back in defeat.

Then Jesus held out the sword to me and pointed at the dragon. The look on His face said, “Get up!”

I reached up to catch hold of the sword, and an instant before I touched it, Jesus turned it loose.

The sword stayed in mid air of its own accord. I grabbed it and began to pull myself up. Not only did it hold firm, but it began to lift me!

I stood and touched the dragon’s chin with my sword and it split him from one end to the other. It laid him open right before my eyes. In amazement, I looked down at the sword. “Why haven’t I used this before?” I thought.

Don’t wait for God to slay the dragon in your life. You have the sword of the Spirit, the all-powerful Word of the living God, at your fingertips. Pick it up and use it today!

Scripture Reading: Joshua 11:5-23

© 1992 Eagle Mountain International Church aka Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved

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