Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Britney Spears music wards off pirate???? If it wasn’t true I wouldn’t believe it….

I have never liked the Spears music and never found a good thing to support it till now. Who says that music cannot be used to fight against Piracy. Go Britney, you must be so proud.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

How beautiful is our world?

This guy quit his job to travel 13000 miles and take still videos of the USA. It is absolutely AWESOME. It’s a bit video, but so beautiful. God made us this awesome world to enjoy.

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Is this the biggest wave ever ridden?

Wow. This is insane!

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South African Education plans are not in the best direction. Who is prepared to…

Technology could resolve most of this problem if we could only get the country to start agreeing on just giving back to our youth. If we can bring together those businesses and leaders who have the funds and who have the know how, we could set up several central classrooms where we could stream a set of closed networks that show classrooms to students where the teachers are of top calibre. This in turn would mean better quality of teachers and it would ultimately mean that there would then be better students which would mean that those students would then be ready to help expand business at a later stage in our country. The problem is that there are just too many money hungry and power hungry selfish people who are just not prepared to help our children or our future generations because they will not get power, recognition or money for their efforts. Who is prepared to invest without reward? Who is prepared to make education possible to our youth without thinking about their own pockets or names?

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@bbm 4 @windowsphone ? Yes, the rumours abound, but how true?

This is a good article of the updates and rumours flying around. the truth is that porting out of the other OS’s into Windows Phone is really simple, but I think that there is more to come in the background. Take for example who is looking at buying @Blackberry? If it is @Microsoft I am certain that there is more to the delay than just getting the app out there. @Microsoft may well be working in the background to integrate the @BBM into many other areas of their software and business.

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Is there any hope for us? More than you think…

Hope seems to be a lost thing in the world today. Everywhere we look it seems hopeless, but that is what the devil wants you to think, that there is no hope. The truth however is that there is such a mighty future before you that it makes anything that came before look dull. Yes, your future could be bright, all you need is to look for truth in Jesus and you will find hope.

Come, Lord Jesus

Kenneth Copeland

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

- 1 John 3:2-3

Hopelessness. As this age draws to a close, that’s a feeling that’s going to be more and more common among the people of this world. But, you know, it’s something we as believers never have to feel! Because no matter how much pressure comes on the earth, no matter how dark the natural circumstances around us are, we know that we have hope in the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we forget that. We get our attention focused so intently on the natural things of this life that we lose that hope and get caught up in the hopelessness around us. But we don’t have to let that happen.

A friend of mine once met a born again Arab woman in the Middle East who was living proof of that. The woman was caught in a life most of us would consider almost unbearable. She was living in a war zone that had been torn up by violence. She faced the danger of bombs and bullets every day.

Now that Arab woman had no hope in the natural. Her country was being destroyed around her. She had to go to Israel to work and get money for her family because there were no jobs where she was, no way to make money. Things around her seemed to be going from bad to worse, but she told my friend she had hope because she knew that Jesus was coming back for her. And that hope kept her going.

So, if you’re feeling hopeless, get your eyes off this world and get them on the soon return of Jesus. Not only will that raise your spirit, the Bible says it will purify you. It will cause you to live uprightly, to separate you from the sin and failure of the world around you. It will lift you into the joy and victory of God.

Think about this. When this old world comes to an end, you and I will just be getting started. We’ll be stepping into the most glorious life we’ve ever known. The people of the world may look back wistfully and wish for better days gone by. But for you and me, the best is yet to come. So we can shout hallelujah in the midst of trouble and say with the Apostle John, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Come quickly!

Scripture Reading: Revelation 21, 22:1-7

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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Can you sacrifice your greatest gift for God?

Genesis 22:8 “And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. “

Abraham was a Pagan and knew nothing about God or Jesus. Then he changed somehow. Then God gives him a son at a time when it was impossible. Then God asks him to sacrifice this one miracle gift that God gave to him that he believed God for. What amazing faith Abraham showed in this verse.

The question I asked myself was, could I sacrifice the one true thing that I loved more than anything as Abraham did? I would not do that because we live under a new covenant, but the question is, could I literally, in my heart, sacrifice that one thing with the belief that God would provide for me? Most of us would say yes to this and think in our natural mind about it, but that is not where we need to answer from. We need to sacrifice these things that we put above God in our hearts, not just our heads. If we do this in our hearts, we will then be giving our lives over to God completely, not in parts.

Can you do that?

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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Cyber Crime will be the number one blue collar crime in the next couple of years. This is happening in South Africa right now….

Cyber Crime not other crime will be the number one crime perpetrated by Blue Collar workers in the next couple of years. It sounds very office like, but in fact cyber crime relates and funds human trafficking, drugs, theft, fraud and many other areas, not to mention holding companies to ransom from their very own servers. Read through this article to hear about a company here in South Africa (global company) that had cyber crime syndicates operating on their servers for over 4 years. South Africa has a lot of loose policies in this area which makes it more open for issues, which means that businesses are left to their own means of security. When you know the truth it will make you aware and set you free from being affected by cyber crime. Please do not think you are safe even if you are on a closed network. Sometimes those networks are the simplest to hack because they have very light rules in security.

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

@nokia 2520 rocks. I love this tablet, it’s colourful and fun…

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

@Porsche 918 Spyder! Words cannot express!

Words cannot express!

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@ibm Watson super computer will diagnose caner?

It’s like something out of Star Trek, but its true. @IBM have honed their super computer to start working on things that can possibly aid humanity. To think that the first thing it did was compete in Jeopardy? At trivial as a game show may be to us, imagine trying to get one single correct answer out of Google? Ain’t gonna happen, but Watson can do this and many other more advanced things. Finally it is now growing up and going to University, but this time to help aid in diagnosing cancer and looking for answers or cures.

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Monday, 21 October 2013

@walmart vs @amazon It’s the battle of the millennium and the stars have their gloves off…

It’s hard to believe that a virtual store is threatening the growth of a physical store. Yet, here we find Walmart putting in the time to get an upper hand over Amazon who are growing faster than people realise.

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@Microsoft Surface Pro 2 review. I WANT ONE!

Yes, I know most people think I am nuts, but I love this idea of having your notebook and your tablet in one place. it just makes sense. Otherwise we will need about 10 devices just to get through our day, I mean come on, technology is supposed to make life simple.

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Friday, 18 October 2013

Rain down on your people…

As it rains in the natural, I pray that His windows of heaven are open over you today and raining down so much of His blessing over you that you do not have room enough for it all in Jesus name.

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To change the outside, start inside! @copelandnetwork “Faith in All the Right Places”

Faith in All the Right Places

Gloria Copeland

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

- Matthew 12:35

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’d have no problem at all believing God’s Word would heal me if He’d speak to me out loud like He did in Genesis, but He hasn’t!”?

The correct answer is, “No, and He probably won’t either.” You see, God no longer has to thunder His Word down at us from heaven. These days He lives in the hearts of believers, so He speaks to us from the inside instead of the outside. What’s more, when it comes to covenant issues like healing, we don’t even have to wait on Him to speak.

He has already spoken! He has already said, “By whose [Jesus'] stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). He has already said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26). He has already said, “The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up” (James 5:15).

God has already done His part. So we must do ours. We must take the Word He has spoken, put it inside us and let it change us from the inside out. You see, everything’including healing’starts inside you. Your future is literally stored up in your heart. Matthew 12:35 confirms that.

In other words, if you want external conditions to be better tomorrow, you’d better start changing your internal condition today. You’d better start taking the Word of God and depositing it in your heart just like you deposit money in the bank. Then you can make withdrawals on it whenever you need it. When sickness attacks your body, you can tap into the healing Word you’ve put inside yourself and run that sickness off!

Exactly how do you do that? You open your mouth and speak’not words of sickness and disease, discouragement and despair, but words of healing and life, faith and hope. You follow the last step of God’s divine prescription in Proverbs 4:20-24: “Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.” In short, you speak the Words of God and call yourself healed in Jesus’ Name. Initially that may not be easy for you to do. But you must do it anyway, because for faith to work, it must be in two places’in your heart and in your mouth. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10).

So get into the Word. Fill your heart with the good treasure of God’s Word for your healing…and speak forth from your heart that Word in faith. Then you’ll have your faith in all the right places!

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 6:20-23

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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Have you been #scroogled by @Google?

Sometimes we go on using something blindly thinking everything is great, when we do not know that in the background we are being programmed like a bunch of robots. Sounds like the Matrix right? Well its not that far from the truth. The problem is do you care? On the other hand, do you know that there are maybe better alternatives? The internet is a wide arena and often times we simply just assume stuff, instead of looking at the source and investigating. Don’t just take the first page you see as the truth on the internet. There are too many people that do that. Even @Wikipedia states that their encyclopaedia is not bullet proof and there are a lot of thing in there that are not true and need to be reviewed.

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@CopelandNetwork Patience is a powerful force in a believers life…

Patience is a powerful force in your walk of faith, but it is not a passive state. It is in fact an extremely aggressive catalyst to the change you are aiming for. check out todays message from @CopelandNetwork

Put Patience to Work

Kenneth Copeland

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

- Hebrews 10:35-36

Most of us have a distorted idea about patience. We think of it as something designed to help us suffer failure gracefully, but according to these scriptures, it will actually put us on the path to success!

Patience (or being consistently constant) is the power twin of faith. They work together to see to it that the promises of God are fulfilled in your life.

Say, for example, you need a job. You can go to the Word and see clearly that God promises to provide your needs. You can see He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Once you see that, faith takes hold and you shout, “Hallelujah, I’ve got the job I need.”

But what happens to that faith tomorrow morning when you go to three interviews and get turned down all three times? Then what? That’s when patience has to take over! That’s when you have to make a decision to stay constant, to act as if nothing’s changed.

The truth is, if you based your confidence on the Word of God, nothing has changed. It says exactly the same thing it said yesterday.

So, if you’ll put patience to work, you know what you’re going to say after those three unsuccessful job interviews? You’re going to say, “Hallelujah, I’ve got the job I need!” just like you did before.

You see, faith opens the door to God’s promise for you; and patience keeps it open until that promise is fulfilled.

Do you have your faith sights set on a promise of God today, a promise you’ve been waiting on for some time? Don’t let the delay discourage you. Put patience to work. The Word guarantees you will receive your reward.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 6:10-15

© 1992 Eagle Mountain International Church aka Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved

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