I say go for it Mister Cameron, you have my support. Persevere through whatever may come.
1. I even recommend that these search engines take all their smut and put it all onto a separate server so that people have to go through a gateway to get into all that other junk.
2. All these search engines even know what time of the day or night it is in your local country when you are surfing the net, why not enforce a global law that stops any pornographic content from being searched during the early hours of the day and evening, then at say 22h00 at night they can open the other search content up again until say 06h00 the next morning. This is completely feasible as they already categories all their content.
Maybe it’s not just about stopping them, but getting them to be more responsible to the people in the world who don’t live by the laws of the land. A rapist, thief, murderer or any other criminal do not live by the laws of the land, which is why they break them. They do not care about these things. They do however get fed by the media and the content that is available to them.
Just like the movie industry was put through a set of controls for the content that is being fed to us and our children, so too should all the content on the internet and mobile networks. Yes, I believe that Internet Service Providers, Search Engines, Cellular Networks and Cloud Servers need to have an understanding of the responsibility that they are feeding the people of this world with a bunch of media that is programming people’s minds, whether they want to or not, with a bunch of messages. Those messages will become the thought patterns of our future generations. These media channels need to have a greater level of responsibility on what they are feeding the people of this world. We the people of the world need to stand up and start asking for better content, and it starts with the challenge Mister David Cameron is putting to the search giants.
As it is, I am already programmed to think of a MacDonald’s burger whenever I see red and a yellow “M”. This may be simplistic, but it is the media world programming my mind whether I want to or not. What else is the internet, cellular networks and media channels programming us to think? What is the availability of instant porn doing to the minds of men and women in the world?
All media content should have a greater responsibility on the times of the day when they serve up their media. They should also provide alternative verified gateways where things like porn can be reached. This will funnel media of this nature into a separated environment which would allow a greater level of control. These areas can then have duplicate security verifications and applications. Just like gambling adverts and addiction adverts on our cigarettes, these things need to have warning labels and potential life destroying warnings all over them.

via WordPress http://emilswanepoel.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/number10gov-suggested-solution-to-fight-internet-child-porn/