Thursday, 30 August 2012

The real truth is that fear is the curse and love is the redemption...

The real truth is that fear is the curse and love is the redemption. Satan gave us fear in Eden but Jesus died as a price to pay for God to make a way for us to be free from fear! That my friends, is love! The Bible says in Hebrews that in the centre of love there is no fear, because God is love! AWESOME! :O

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Democracy and wealth, which rules a country? I think the real question is, why has the greed of one family put an entire nation under poverty? We should be looking at Jesus not man for our solutions.

@porsche will now be designing the engines and models for Audi and Labo? Sort of. As I have always said, @porsche is what a car should be like!

@dstv channels added, so now there is triple the amount ofrepeating movies on tv, so instead of watching the same movie every day,you can watch it 3 times every day!

Why not take the channels that you do have @dstv and create more intuitive programming in that channel! CRAZY!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

#mynewbody arms are feeling weak now, it was hard to get through stepping today, now that my legs stopped feeling like jelly! Feeling great and mighty, because of Jesus!

Read this from @copelandnetwork yesterday morning and then Pastor Craig ministered exact same thing last night! Jesus is saying something, are we listening?

From Faith to Faith -- Daily Devotional 

August, 29 2012 

You Hold the Key 
Kenneth Copeland 

I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 
- Matthew 16:19 

The Greek text of that scripture would literally read, "I give you the keys of the kingdom. Whatever you declare locked on earth is locked in heaven and whatever you declare unlocked on earth is unlocked in the heavenlies."

The heaven Jesus was talking about there isn't the heaven where God resides. He was talking about the battle zone, about the heaven where Satan's forces are operating.

He was telling us that God has given us power to bind the wicked spirits in heavenly places and to loose the angelic powers of God to work in our behalf.

Philippians 2:9-10 says, "We have been given a Name which is above every name, and at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow!" Where? In heaven, in earth and under the earth. That covers it all!

As believers, we have total authority over the powers of Satan. We can take authority over the evil spirits that are trying to destroy this nation. We can take authority over them in the Name of Jesus and pull down their strongholds.

It is time we began to realize how important we are to world affairs. Since the day Jesus gave us the Great Commission, the life or death of the world has been in the hands of the Church. We are the ones who have the mighty Name of Jesus and the awesome strength of the gospel to bring life and abundance to every creature. We are the ones whose prayers can change every office of authority in this land.

It's up to you and me to begin to intercede right now and use the power God has given us. We may come from different lands with different backgrounds, but we all have one thing in common--Jesus Christ is our Lord. And that alone is enough to alter the spiritual complexion of this earth. 

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:1-14 

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Monday, 27 August 2012

#mynewbody stepped 78 floors on sore legs, but weigh 94.3kg! Man today I must have sweated double! Feeling tired but alive praise God!

Never give in to the circumstance of the world. No matter how you may feel or what you may see, you can always find a way through to the right things, because Jesus will show you the path through, and where there is no path, He will make a hole for you to go through. All we have to do it to trust in Jesus and believe that He will come through. 1 Timothy 2

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Beautiful Durban sunrise! Did you catch it?

@porsche my two favorites!

Isaiah 60 says that great darkness is over the people. Today I invited some people to come to the light! It's harvest time and all believers are the labourers.

Let's all go out and bring in that harvest. It people look at you like you are weird, don't worry, because the Bible says we are already a peculiar people. Don't. Be shy or timid, because God's Word says that He has given us a spirit of love, power and self-control! Do not fear what the world may say, because the Gospel is more powerful and mighty than anything we see today, because the Gospel will stand for eternity! So can you! So can your family and friends, but you may be that voice that they are waiting for to come to the Kingdom!

Be bold today, invite someone to salvation in the name of Jesus!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

ATTENTION BELIEVERS! Pray for the labourers and the eyes and hearts of the world to be opened to them as they reach out, in Jesus name!

#mynewbody miss gym yesterday, but made up for it today! Tip: don't do 200kg leg press after squats then expect to walk up the stairs to leave gym! :D

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

#mynewbody climbed 78 floors and challenging shoulders workout. Took a while to get started today.

James 1 says that we must persevere to get to a place where we do not lack. If we can only take hold of that truth in gym. I encourage you today to persevere and push through the tough stuff and pain stuff, because those things are only temporary. Once you have a victory after that, no one and nothing can take that away from you! But, we must first push through this temporary challenge to get there!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

People watching a whale feeding. Check out the woman in the black party dress standing on the paddle board next to the whale. AWESOME Pics!

Just received some persecution today for reading a scripture in public...

Here is the funny part, I was reading Matthew 22 verse 39 in context with showing IT people how to better help their users. The scripture says that we should love our neighbours as ourselves, and I made the point that if we do this with our users, then we will not get frustrated with them and angry with them, instead we will want to find ways to help improve their environment. If I had rather just said that we should put ourselves in the shoes of our users to see how we can help them, then everyone would probably have been quite happy with that, but because it came from the Word of God, it made people feel uncomfortable. Well, the truth will set us free!

Incredibly, I have received a message from another person at that same meeting and they were very excited about this word and wanted to try and do more to help their users after hearing it.

What a huge contrast from the same meeting. Jesus said this will happen, and we should consider it a great joy when we are persecuted for the Word’s sake, so, WAHOO, PRAISE JESUS!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

#mynewbody stepped 79 floors, and that's it. Started a bit late so had to rush, but still felt good.

Monday, 20 August 2012

#mynewbody climbed 79 floors and had awesome work out, even add some running at the end. Glory to God!

Anyone can do this, just make a decision, commit and do not stop till it's done! The key is to get a seed of God's Word in the becoming, so that you have something to attach your faith to. Once you have that, nothing can stop you except you. It gets exciting when you add some good worship music to break the chains as well!

Go for it! Start today!

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

@porsche Carrera and new Boxster. It will be mine in Jesus name!

Friday, 17 August 2012

@microsoft have hit the new level of making money and it looks cheap to you the consumer, but is it really in the long run? Time will tell...

Now normally I would hate @BMW, but this may well change my mind, but it still does not come close to the new @porsche Spyder!

A leopard catches a croc? This was taken at the Kruger National Park (@SANParks) by a Hal Brindley!

WOW! 5 minutes in the Kruger ....

The astonishing spectacle of a leopard savaging a crocodile has been captured for the first time on camera.


A series of incredible pictures taken at a South African game reserve document the first known time that a leopard has taken on and defeated one of the fearsome reptiles.


The photographs were taken by Hal Brindley, an American wildlife photographer, who was supposed to be taking pictures of hippos from his car in the Kruger National Park .


The giant cat raced out of cover provided by scrub and bushes to surprise the crocodile, which was swimming nearby.
A terrible and bloody struggle ensued. Eventually, onlookers were amazed to see the leopard drag the crocodile from the water as the reptile fought back.


With the crocodile snapping its powerful jaws furiously, the two animals somersaulted and grappled. Despite the crocodile's huge weight and strength, the leopard had the upper hand catching its prey by the throat.

Eventually the big cat was able to sit on top of the reptile and suffocate it.
In the past, there have been reports of crocodiles killing leopards, but this is believed to the first time that the reverse scenario has been observed.

Mr Brindley said : 'I asked many rangers in South Africa if they had ever heard of anything like this and they all said no.


"It just doesn't make sense. The meat you get out of a crocodile is just not worth the risk it takes a predator to acquire. The whole scene happened in the course of about 5 minutes. Then the leopard was gone.

"I drove away, elated in disbelief. It may have been the most amazing thing I've ever seen."


Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

@copelandnetwork "Don't underestimate your prayers" by Kenneth Copeland. The truth will set you free in Jesus name.

From: KCM Faith To Faith Daily Devotional
Sent: 8/14/2012 1:01
Subject: Don't Underestimate Your Prayers

From Faith to Faith -- Daily Devotional

August, 14 2012

Don't Underestimate Your Prayers
Kenneth Copeland

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
- 1 Timothy 2:1-2

That verse is clear, isn't it? The instruction is plain. Yet even in these tumultuous days when our nation is so desperately in need of God's guidance, most of God's people don't do what that verse commands.

Why not?

I believe it's because most of us are overwhelmed by the problems we see around us. "How could my prayers make a dent in the national debt?" we think. "How could my faith affect foreign policy?"

In other words, we fail to pray because we fail to realize just how powerfully our prayers can affect this country.

It's time we caught hold of that. It's time we realized that if we'd just be obedient to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, there's no council of any kind on earth, no king, no president, no congress, no anything that could overthrow God's purpose for His people.

God has called us to intercede. He has commanded us to pray for those in authority. He has given us His Word, His power, His Name, His authority, and His faith. We have all the tools necessary to pray effectively for our government and its leaders.

I urge you to intercede. It is your responsibility as a believer to get involved in the affairs of your country. God wants this great land of ours, and the only way He's going to get it is through His ambassadors, you and me.

Pray for this nation. Every day. And never again underestimate the world-changing power of those prayers.

Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:1-30
© 1992 Eagle Mountain International Church aka Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved

Posted via email from Emil Swanepoel

Sometimes big dreams are small @porsche