We have heard of it and probably have read it even, how much do we actually believe it? If you research this, you will find that the FDA (America) has approved human implantation of an ID chip in 2004. This chip is normally implanted in the persons right hand, just as the scripture says. If you look at the events in the first 4 months of this year you will have noticed some massive earth quakes and even a volcano causing massive destruction. Most people are fearful, but those who are true Christians (this word literally means to be like Jesus Christ) should be excited about this time, because it means that Jesus will soon be here. In the Bible there are many scriptures in the New and Old Testament predicting this day and also that God will deliver the righteous during these times. Now, more than ever, we need to renew our love and reverence for God and Jesus Christ. There is still time to establish your relationship with God. John 3 says that God sent Jesus Christ, His only son, to the earth to be crucified so that through the sacrifice of Jesus we can be saved and our sins be forgiven. Do you have to give up anything? No, but Jesus and God have replaced the old commandments with two royal commandments, Matthew 22 says that we should first love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul and the second is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. What a peaceful and great world we can live in if each of us had to practice just these two laws! Unfortunately John 10 tells us that there is an enemy called Satan who's sole purpose it is to steal, to kill and to destroy us. Make no mistake, there is a very real war going on and most of us have been turning away from our responsibility to stand against the enemy. So, what am I saying? Renew or kindle a close intimate relationship with your Bible, God and Jesus Christ. Then begin to live a life like Jesus did. I warn you now, that the life of a true Christian is not for the feint hearted, but the rewards are eternal and more glorious than we can imagine, if you are not sure then research what the Bible says about what heaven will look like. We cannot begin to imagine the goodness of God. He even says that in heaven there will be no pain and no sickness, which means there will be no sorrow. We cannot begin to imagine this, because we are so indoctrinated in this life to feel pain. Wake up! God is a God of love and He is preparing an eternal Kingdom for those who choose Him. He is coming, spread the uncorrupted word in Jesus name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an email about an ID chip that mimics the scripture which talks about the mark of the beast in the Bible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H ere is the chip: 666
The chip can be used to track nearly anything. Due to its small size it can be embedded into or attached to nearly any item. (Including that office pen you stole last week)
All your personal details etc will be stored on "secure" internet data bases. The chip will only (or so they say) contain your unique 16 digit ID number.
The chip is scanned and your Radio Frequency ID can be used to do your banking, shopping, start your car, unlock your front door, time clock you at work, admit you to the cinema, pay for dinner at the restaurant, let you into a public toilet etc etc etc.
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You will not carry money for anything and therefore cannot be mugged for your money. You can be quickly found if kidnapped (like your cars tracker) Giving you complete control over your life.....????....or so you think.....
Actually you will be handing over control of your life.... If you step out of line or do something the law dont like you doing, your chip can be limited or even deactivated. This means someone else has control over your life. For example: You can be stopped from accessing your own house, starting your car, paying for your groceries or anything else, prevented from entering public shopping malls, banks, hospitals etc etc. Your movements can be tracked and your whole life can be controled by the government.
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Everything you buy or spend money on will be recorded in the data base. Everywhere you go will be recorded in the data base. Big Brother will be recording your every move....and if theres a CCTV camera around...then Big Brother can literally see what you are doing....
By accepting the RFID chip you will become part of the population who are controlled by the Police State Government.
If you value what little freedom you have....DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP....
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The bible warns us against this
Do not take this lightly |